I would like to thank everyone for their participation and positive attitudes during this first year for our club. Parents, thank you for bringing your Pathfinders on time and ready to the programs. Staff, thank you for all your hard work and dedication. We have several activities planned over the next few months, and I thought I’d take a few moments to fill you in on some of what is coming. Your Pathfinders will also be receiving this information in the mail, and via e-mail if they have submitted an email address to the club. If you see a parent or staff missed in this email list, and have their contact information, please feel free to forward this note on.
Our first meeting for the new year will be after church on Sabbath Jan. 9. Pathfinders should bring a bag lunch, water and change into Class B uniform (dress shirt, scarf, black or blue jeans) after the service. We will be discussing the fossil record, the flood and how we reconcile the two, and taking a trip to the Texas Memorial Museum on UT campus to see their dinosaur and fossil exhibits. For those Pathfinders interested in working on the Fossil honor, this will also cover many of the requirements, and anyone then interesting in going on a collecting trip, contact me, there are some good places along 360. Also, the museum is holding an identification the 31st if anyone needs help identifying their fossils.
Our two Wednesday meetings for the month are Jan. 13 and Jan. 27. During one of the meetings, we will be learning about and building model rockets under the direction of Jr. Counselor Matthew Paden. Some sunny Sunday we will go launch them. We will also be working on drilling outside, weather permitting, so Pathfinders should remember their coats. Both meetings will be field uniform.
The evening of Jan. 16 is our Chili Cook Off, which is a combination Church social and Pathfinder fundraiser (Pathfinders should wear their field uniform, please). More information will follow, but invite family, friends and neighbors to try out and vote for their favorite vegetarian chili. Competition categories include Kids, Mild/Medium, Hot and Best Presentation, as well as a cornbread competition. Prizes will be awarded, and fun will be had by all.
Saturday afternoon, Jan. 23, we will have a greater Austin area Bible Bowl at the Austin South Church ahead of the real competition Feb. 6. Pathfinders should wear their full dress uniforms to this, and come prepared to support our SAIL Bible Bowl team. More information on the time will be coming. This will involve several different Pathfinder clubs from the greater Austin area, both Spanish and English clubs.
Sunday, Jan. 24 is the Honors Fair in San Antonio. This is a time for Pathfinder clubs throughout Central Texas to get together and work on various honors. This year some of these will focus on first aid and health, as well as other honor opportunities. This is a great chance to meet with Pathfinders from other clubs and learn some new skills and knowledge, all while earning honor badges.
Saturday, Feb. 6 is our first Pathfinder meeting of February, and the day our Bible Bowl team will be competing down in San Antonio.
Our regular Wednesday meetings will be the 10th and 24th. Topics for activities will be announced, but we are probably going to begin work on the hot air balloons in February, as well as finish up our work on Christian Drama and any leftover ADRA work. We are also looking for some witnessing and outreach activities for January or February.
There are two other activities for February, which are tentatively scheduled. On Feb. 12 from 7:00-9:00 PM there will be a Friday Night Light special vesper program for Pathfinders and youth at the Rundberg Spanish Church (no uniform needed for this). This will have guest speakers, will be bilingual and will be focused on youth. On Feb. 21, there will be a greater Austin area Honor Fair at the Rundberg Church, another opportunity to work on honors and spend time with Pathfinders from other clubs. The idea is to have some of these focus on recreation honors, and we may have access to a track at a nearby school, as well as soccer and possibly archery.
In March, we will be getting ready for the big Texas Conference Camporee, which will be the first week in April at the new Lake Whitney Ranch site.
As you can see, we have a packed schedule coming up. Other possible unit activities and interaction with Pathfinders from different clubs are likely to arise as well, so keep watching for additional information.
As you can see, we have a lot of activities planned in the coming months. We hope you enjoy this second half of the Pathfinder year.
A few reminders:
* Dues are due the first Wednesday meeting of the month. Please remember your dues, as these allow us to continue to bring you the activities, events and supplies.
* We will be voting on new Captains and Scribes in January
* If you are missing part or all of your uniform (Dress or Field), please contact Rodger Baker or Connie Cepeda in writing no later than Jan. 13. If you have already made a request, please re-submit it so we can be sure to have all the items ordered and distributed by our Jan. 27 meeting.
* We should have the prototype field uniform shirts in sometime in January, based on the submitted designs of a ship and lighthouse - we will share the design as soon as it is complete.
* We should have a new website coming soon.
Looking forward to a great new year!
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